
2 01 2008

Ok on ebay I just bought a thing for $15.00 where it’s a mystery and u either get a love puppy, cheeky dog, or cheeky cat!!! So I can’t wait for that to arrive.

Also, man what was I gonna say? Gosh I can’t remember! Well, if I do remember then I’ll post it.

Sappirake Scones Recipe Solved!

1 01 2008

Sappirake Scones has finally been solved! It’s made in the stove with Blueberry Cheesecake, Cornflakes and Coconut.


Check out my Slide Show!

1 01 2008

Random Picture…AGAIN!

31 12 2007

Ok some guy on webkinz insider wants pictures of all the webkinz plush pets so I dug out the cord that connects my new digital camera to the computer, took a picture and uploaded them. So here it is:


Ok yeah—it wouldn’t fit so just click on the link to see it. And while I’m showing you pics of stuff at my house here’s a picture of my christmas tree. It’s sorta ugly because my parents always use those old homemade ornaments but…


yeah that wouldn’t fit either so just click the link.

Random but Funny

31 12 2007

Ok this is slightly random, but I found this pic funny so just deal with me here.


Last day of Contest Entry

30 12 2007

Alright you guys, today is the last day to enter the contest because I want to draw the winner tomorrow, on the last day of 2007. So enter your username if you haven’t already!

Webkinz Down

28 12 2007

Webkinz has been down all morning and now my computer is taking sooooo long and not letting me log in.

Elephant Fountain Giveaway!

26 12 2007

Here’s another giveaway. Post your username and you will be entered to win it. Simple as that.

Max and Jamie

25 12 2007

Here are pictures. Jamie is friends with a black poodle and Max is friends with a Cheeky Dog!max.jpg


Merry Christmas! Some things I got…

25 12 2007

Ok here are some things I got for Christmas today. A terrific blue digital camera (I wanted red but the blue is really pretty too). So that was probably the best thing. But I also got a box of trading cards so that came with a free pet. Of course I already have all the pets that would be free and I don’t want any repeats yet so I decided to give it to my family’s account. (It’s a frog). Popping out of my stocking when I walked down the stairs today was a Webkinz Seal! I entered her and named her Jamie and guess what she’s friends with—A Black Poodle! That’s sposed to come out in 2008! It’s the first time that I’ve had a pet that had a pet as a friend that hasn’t come out yet! Also, I unwrapped a beagle and a monkey. The beagle we’re gonna exchange because I already have (my parents forgot) but I entered the monkey and he’s friends with a Cheeky Dog! (First time I got a new pet friends with a retired pet). So today’s starting out pretty good. My sister got Harry Potter Scene It which we played and I won. I got Clue DVD game also. I got a gift card for Target for $25. Remember, Target sells webkinz! Also, an iTunes Gift Card for $15. (In my stocking). That’s not all but it’s some of the good stuff.